Body weight - Skinny Bitch

It is AMAZING what the body can do!
I didn't take care of my body, ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted and never excercised. I sat at my desk all day long and at home as soon as I got there. Needless to say, I gained a good chunk of weight and it took its toll on my relationship with my husband and myself. Although, my husband never once complained about my weight gain and in fact, surprised me with lingerie every couple of months to celebrate the body that I had become so ashamed of.  But inside, I was not happy.  I also knew he wanted kids so badly, but I was afraid of gaining even more weight, which hurt me even more. I finally decided that if I wouldn't make a change for me, I would do it for the man that I love and loves me back so unconditionally. 
So, I started eating better and jogging. Best part is, so did my husband. Together we lost weight. I was at a point where I had never felt better about my body. 
Then the even more exciting news came that we are expecting. I am in awe of how much my body has changed in the last year and what it is capable of. I am now 22 weeks pregnant and still 16 pounds lighter than I was at my heaviest. 
Diet and exercise helped, but what really did it for me was educating myself on what exactly we are putting in our mouths. I've read so many books and articles about food. 
One book that stood out for me was Skinny Bitch: Bun in the Oven.  You don't have to have a bun in the oven to read it. In fact, you can read the regular Skinny Bitch book. I'll warn you that it promotes vegan, but that doesn't mean that's the only way to see results. Just knowing what is good and what is better is a huge help!! 
I'm so excited about where I am today and wanted to share my experience with others who might be in the same boat I was not too long ago.  You can do it too! Our bodies are amazing and happy and healthy is best. For you, your partner and baby. 👶🏻