Adelyn's Birth Story
I was scheduled for a csection set for July 8th because my baby was breech. She had been transverse my whole pregnancy until the last couple of months when she turned breech. (My first child was head down and turned transverse at 35 weeks so I was scheduled for a csection set for 39 weeks but I did some exercises that helped her to turn back head down). I tried all I could that I felt was safe to get her to turn. At my 38 week appt, she was oblique with her head down. I went in to the Dr on the Tuesday before my Friday csection only to be disappointed when they said she was now oblique with her butt down so I needed to just be at the hospital at 4:30am to check in for the csection. I requested an ultrasound to check position (per my midwife's suggestion). I started having consistent contractions around 6-6:30. Instead of an ultrasound they did an X-ray which showed baby head down. The Dr that was to perform the csection and the midwife on call both looked with an ultrasound, which showed baby was oblique head down. Her cord was centered with my cervix though so it wasn't a favorable situation. She gave me the option to wait it out and see if the contractions would turn baby as I dilated and progressed a little or go ahead with the section. I wanted to wait it out. I have a 3 year old and having my belly cut open didn't seem to great. They kept me for observation to see if the contractions were causing any progression. At 8am, I was 1cm and thick, no presenting part. They rechecked me at 1pm and it was the same so they gave me a food tray (I was NPO after midnight Thursday) and got the discharge papers. I made it home about 4:30-5 and immediately took a nap from not sleeping Thursday night. I had been so anxious. I made myself get up around 7pm so I could sleep during the night, hopefully. During the night, I was awakened a few times due to contractions. At 5am, I decided I needed to time them. They were 3-5 minutes apart with a few going as long as 12 minutes. I laid in bed until 10am, steady tracking them. I got up and showered to see if they went away but they didn't. I just KNEW my baby girl was breech! Knew it!!!! I went back to my room and started crying because I was hurting so bad but I knew this pain was nothing compared to what I was about to go through with surgery and I had put it off and inconvenienced so many people the day before only to be back at square one. My husband had no clue what was going on... Really going on. He walked in my room to see me crying and I explained how I was feeling. He asked if I needed to go to the hospital and I told him I was scared and that I didn't want to go and then keep me all weekend until Monday for a section. I was scared they would stop my labor because it was the weekend. He cooked a late breakfast and as soon as I ate, it got more intense. I told him we needed to go to the hospital so we did. We got there at 2:30pm and I was STILL 1 cm but I was thinning out. There was a presenting part but the nurse couldn't tell if it was a head or bottom. Ultrasound came in and I almost cried when she said baby was head down!!!! My fluid had been slightly high the last 2 weeks but it was really high that day. The dr and nurse wanted me to get up and walk to see if I would progress. So I walked 30-45 minutes and it started getting more intense. They checked me and I was 6cm! Holy cow! (Our hospital doesn't put you straight in a delivery room... They have little "holding cells" that I call the closet). They moved me immediately to a delivery room. I asked to go pee before hooking me back up to the monitors and starting an IV. They had to draw bloodwork because for some reason my blood work from the previous day couldn't be found. I had to have the labs back in order to get my epidural. It was getting MORE intense. As soon as my IV was done, the midwife came in and checked me herself. This was about 20 minutes after I was checked in the closet... I was 9!!!!! And my water broke while she was checking me. There was a lot of green meconium. Oh no! A lot!!!??? I've been through the meconium thing before. It was serious. They never said the words "a lot" so I was really worried. In the same breathe, she said "Honey we don't have time for an epidural. We are about to do this." I started crying and said I couldn't do this. I was begging why. Why did this happen?! How was I going to do this?! I was hyperventilating because of how fast and hard the contractions were hitting. I was trying hard to breathe through them but it was rough. My hands wouldn't function. My whole body was tingling. I could barely move my arms and legs. My husband was amazing and kept a washcloth wet with cold water for me. My mom and mother in law were great motivators with my husband. I felt the need to push right after my water broke. The midwife had walked out to get gowned up. She came back and was telling me to grab the backs of my legs. I told her I couldn't and she said "Jessica, look at me. You can do this. Grab the back of your legs". I told her I physically couldn't that someone needed to do it for me. I don't remember too many details after that other than the pain. The pain was so so intense. I screamed. I NEVER thought I would be "one of those girls" but it was like no other pain in my life. Thankfully, it only took 4 pushes and my baby girl was here! Her cord was tied in a double knot. I barely got to see her before they took her away to the corner where the nursery staff was waiting. My mom and mother in law went to be by her. Thank the Lord, after several minutes of them suctioning her, giving her oxygen and cleaning her up... She was fine! She was born 7 pounds even and 20 inches long with a head full of hair on July 9th at 6:45pm. She's definitely a miracle baby. We are so blessed to have two healthy girls. 

Taken today at 9 days old. 

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