He never initiates sex.

I have been with my boyfriend for almost a year. We have great sex and often too but in the last 4-6 months I am always the one to start things up. With out exaggerating he has perused me 2 times. He works nights at a busy restaurant and deal with drama from his ex wife so that's his excuse as to why he never thinks to make the first move. There has been a few times that I'll go to make a move and he won't be in the mood or will be too tired and I can understand that but other times when I wait to see if he will make a move I always fall asleep because he never does. So few days ago we got into an argument over it and then last night I had a random melt down over it again. Part of me feels so dumb for crying over the fact he doesn't make the first move and other part of me feels like he needs to know how much it bothers me that he doesn't come on to me like I do him. Like wtf!!