A little worried

Lisa • Mom of 4 boys and one baby girl. Mom of a high-school graduate, preschooler in heaven, 3 year old twins and a 1 year old princess.
I'm 32 weeks and just got back from the dr. He measured me at 42 weeks, yikes! Last 2 times I was only measuring 7 weeks ahead now it's 10? Is this normal? What was everyone else measuring at 32 weeks?
Update: I went back to my delivery dr today, I'm 33 weeks but still measuring a fundal height of 42. I asked him if that was ok, he said it was fine bc babies were obviously growing. At my MFS they were 5.8 each! I asked him about that also and he said the measurements were just an estimate and could be off, that it was just to make sure they're growing at a good rate. He also told me that my bp would be what makes him deliver early not the size of the babies. 😬 yikes!