TTC putting my life on hold?

Please NO RUDE comments or LECTURES. I am pouring out a piece of my heart here to get some support.

Does anyone else feel like TTC is kind of putting their life on hold? I know that is a weird thing to say, but I feel like since my husband and I have been TTC (about 7 months now) that I have been in this kind of weird limbo with what I am doing with my life.

We just moved to a new state because my husband's in the Navy and so that doesn't help moving every three years. But I haven't gotten a job here yet because I have been thinking "Well if I'm pregnant or get pregnant right away, I don't want to upset my employer or look bad for leaving after just a couple of months." I am also in graduate school, but I am realizing that I might not really be passionate about my program, but I don't know if I should start another one if I have to do a lengthy practicum and we are TTC. I am just so stinking frustrated right now about it all.

My husband makes plenty to support both of us and all of the bills. So he tells me to use my time now to figure out what my true passion is, or volunteer, or read the books I've been wanting to. I am so very blessed to have such a supportive husband who doesn't care if I work or not, but I don't know I am just feeling super blah lately.

I just want to find my passion in life and have a baby. I know there are so many other deeper problems in the world today, and this is definitely a lame issue, but this has been on my mind constantly for months. Does anyone else feel this way? Oye, or I just over think and over analyze things. Another BFN this month didn't help. I just feel like ever since we've been TTC my life has been at a weird standstill.