Second birth, perfect delivery

Our beautiful son Emmett Conrad arrived 9 days early! I woke up on 7/17 with menstrual like cramps in my belly, back, and thighs. I told my husband today is the day go ahead and get everything together for him and our daughter. I had my cousins baby shower that day and I knew it was early on so I went ahead, got ready and went to the shower. I drove my family to the shower too and told them my cramps were getting stronger still nothing to worry about though. As soon as we walked into the shower, my water broke!! Well technically leaked. I called the hospital and went in right away as my first birth my daughter came within 30 mins of breaking my water. I was shocked my water broke naturally! I had a natural birth so I was able to walk around the hospital and be periodically monitored every 30-45 mins. I was checked and went from 4 cm to 6 and had a bulging bag. I was cramping pretty bad at this point and asked the nurse to help me on a birthing ball. As soon as I stood my water broke completely and I was at 8cm! My dr was called and he was there just as I was ready to push! My nurses and husband coached me and encouraged me with every contraction and every push. Two pushes, and 3 mins later my baby boy was here! No tears, no stitches, and a natural birth! My birth was perfect in every way.