What do I do!!

On a normal day I'm not so but hurt about losing wait, my response is usually "whatever" but when I got on the scale today I saw I lost 9lb in the last 2 weeks and 12 in my first trimester😥. I want my babies to be big and strong and healthy but I can't seem to eat enough times in a day and I definitely can't keep most of my food down. This first trimester is killing me and making me worry about my twins . My next doctors appointment is not until 2 weeks from now August 4th so I'm worried how muc I will lose by then, I really hope these nasty symptoms stop in the next 2 weeks so I can put on some wait and grow these precious babies. Has anyone else had this problem? I'm not over weight or heavy at all in 5'2" and before I got pregnant weighed about 112lb