Nothing in the gestational sac...

Nichole • Mommy to an 👼🏻 baby and to our 🌈 baby boy’s, Charlie 6-12-19 💙💙 Emmett 5-18-21 💙💙
At 6 weeks 3 days. Last week I had an ultrasound done that measured 5 weeks 3 days. The gestational sac is bigger this week, but still no baby or heartbeat. Doc gave me the options to have a natural miscarriage, have a D&C or have another ultrasound next Thursday at 7 weeks 2 days in hopes something grows between the time frame. I had bled some brown last night and had a clot the size of the head of a nail if even that big as well as no cramping. I am not bleeding today. Is there still a chance this could be a false miscarriage and baby is just takin longer to grow? 
Empty sac again today. Measuring 6 weeks exactly. This just wasn't our time 💖 praying for a healthy pregnancy one day!