Late period 😱🔫

Hello girls, I want to tell you guys my last experience just in case you've been in my position or you are in it right now. 
So my period was supposed to arrive  14 days ago, yes, I was 2 weeks late. And of course I was scared to death. I'm 19 years old and definitely not ready for a baby. I didn't even buy a pregnancy test, that was too scary for me. But casually, I remembered that one of my last periods came 2 weeks early, so actually that was the main reason my period was late those exact 2 weeks. Just in case, in my last intimate relation I used the withdrawal method and I was pretty sure about how everything happened but I'm always scared, even when I use protection, so you guys can imagine how crazy I got. So if your'e period is late it does not necessarily mean your'e pregnant. Check how your period has moved through the calendar and if something different happened. Anyways, I hope that my experience helps any of you girls. And btw I did get my lection from this one. WE HAVE TO STAY AWAY FROM SPERM 😂❤️ xoxo