Formula feeding.

Is anyone else leaning toward formula feeding rather than breast? This is my fourth pregnancy. With my first two who are now 13 & 9 I was only able to do breast for 6 weeks with the oldest and 3 with the youngest. So my 3rd I just didn't even start. Now 7 years later I am expecting my final baby and really have no desire to breastfeed and yes I know the benefits. Guilt is taking over and I almost feel like I should just do it for a little while. Hopefully no one gives me any negative responses here as I am a nurse and worked in an ob/gyn office for years so I am very aware that "breast is best" but I am also aware that breast may not be best for everyone. Just curious if there is anyone else here struggling with how they plan to feed their child. I still have 29 weeks to think about it. :) 
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Posted at
I plan on doing both. I'm not going to let anyone make me feel bad for using formula. Everyone knows that there are benefits to breastfeeding, but for some people it just doesn't work for them. So if formula works better for you, go for it! 😊👍🏻


Posted at
Yep... This is my second... My first is 7 months.... And I had decided from the very start I was never going to breast feed..... The ONLY reason why I would have considered pumping my milk was if she was born premature.....   I formula fed from the start and it was amazing!!! So easy! No stress! No pain! A happy healthy baby..... A fed baby.... :) and a momy and dady that could split the night shifts :) it was perfect for us... Zero guilt there... She is fed thats all that matters :) it was one of our best decisions.... That and to not co sleep, crib in her dark room from day 1 and by 3 months we had a 10-13 hours per night sleeping girl :).   I dont care what anyone says about our decisions.... We do whats best for us and I never judge the way others handle their family ;)  do whatever is right for you! :)


Ashley • Jul 25, 2016
Those are my thoughts too! I'm leaning more towards formula then breastfeeding. I feel like if I chose to breastfeed it would be more because of others' influences then anything else.


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Do whatever is best for you. As long as baby is healthy and fed that's all that really matters.


Sarah • Jul 24, 2016
I think you're 100% correct. And I know I know this. It just feels good to hear it from someone else. Thanks.


Posted at
I'm a big fan of breastfeeding but I'm not going to try to sway you via this little app. How you feed your child is your choice but I would strongly suggest doing it for even the first 2 weeks. That colostrum is just SO good for those babies that I would at least try to do that, even if you are doing formula with it.


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I will be formula feeding for the third time. I simply make NO milk, never have. Finally found out I am literally missing the breast tissue needed! It's kind of freeing to know I physically can't do it, so won't even try this time. 


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If you don't want to, don't! And don't let anyone make you feel bad about it! I can't due to medicine I'm on but I wouldn't even if I wasn't taking it. It's not for me and that's ok!


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I really appreciate everyone's comments. I'm glad I'm not alone in this :)


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I had planned on trying to BF but our daughter was born jaundice and with a tight tongue so she had a hard time latching. Pediatrician at the hospital had us supplement formula from the beginning. A series of pushy lactation consultants telling us to have our 5 day old baby's tongue snipped (despite pediatrician saying it was very minor and wouldn't cause any other issues) had us running to the store for bottles and formula. And what a relief it was for this stressed out new mama to be able to share the responsibility with hubby and our parents. Do what feels right! You know what is best for your baby. 


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I have a medical condition and was advised not to BF. I formula fed both my daughters and am doing the same with this baby. 


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I would love to try but with the anxiety medication I am on I cannot ... 😒