Slight TMI? Mostly just slight complaints.

Anyone else getting extremely uncomfortable cramps, upset tummy and the worst case of hemorrhoids nearing these last couple weeks. Not constipated either so I'm not quite sure if this is my body's nice way of saying feel my worse before the calm or I just got unlucky.  
According to my OB I was 50% effaced, 1cm dilated and she was at -1 station at my appointment back on Friday. But she's been that way since week 33 and can be that way till 40 weeks anyway. 
And before anyone says anything about going to l&d, yes I have timed all contractions I've been getting and they're all too irregular so I'm just waiting around for my next weekly appointment.
Only 25 more days and I hope I'm able to get around during them without as much pain or super waddles.