What dose it mean to fetishize a race? 😕

I'm a bit confused..... So I have a preference for Asian guy, right? And while on social media I see people calling others out for fetishizing Asian guys. I was also accused (jokingly) by my friends. To which I disagreed on. 
But now that I think about it. I really don't know what qualifies as fetishizing. Honestly, I don't see how someone can do that to a Whole Collective Race. 
I know that having a preference and fetishizing are two different things but know I'm second guessing myself. 
So please help me, what qualifies as fetishizing a race? How do I know I'm doing it? 
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Usually when somebody has a race fetish, they care more about a person's race than who they are as a person. They see that person as a sex object. When somebody is a fetish, they are being objectified and that is not right. If you can see an Asian man and not automatically go right to thinking about sex, then it's not a fetish. But people who turn a person into a fetish dont see a person, they just see something they want to have sex with.


Zaria • Jul 25, 2016
Ahh thank you this was really reassuring to know. Now I can comfortably say not fetishizing Asians. Thank you~


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Fetishizing is when you like a certain race or ethnic group because of a stereotype. Ex: Only liking black men because you think their dicks are bigger, or only liking black or latina women because you think they're more sexual. It's reinforcing negative/unwanted misconceptions or stereotypes. Generally people who have racial or ethnic fetishes can't separate the stereotype from the person. 


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Just love who you love. If it doesn't hurt anyone why does it matter. 


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Why does it matter? What happens in your bedroom, as long as it is between 2 consenting adults and no one gets hurt, it's none of any one else's business. Enjoy! 💁🏻