Mucas plug just came out

Amanda • one handsome boy (3-2-12) and expecting baby num.2 (8-12-16)
This is baby number 2, and did not happen with baby one. My mucas plug just fell out. I am 37 +3 weeks. I have been reading about it, that labor can start in a few hours or even take a few more weeks. I have another apt. with my doc on Friday at 38 weeks, to check how open the cervix is becoming, but I'm wondering if I should call my doc. just to let them know. Some things I have read say no need, but if it's baby num.2, things may progress more quickly. It freaked me out when it happened, because I wasn't expecting it, and didn't happen with baby num.1. Have had alot of lower ab pressure and yesterday slept in until 1:30pm, took a nap from 5 to 8pm, and was ready for bed at 10pm. Although I didn't fall asleep until 430am. Feeling super tired and zero energy lately. Thanks for the help!