Can't find my IUD strings 😳 *UPDATE*

Got the skyla on the 20th and I can't find my IUD strings 😧 like ANYWHERE. I felt the mirena strings back when I had that so I have an idea what I should be feeling for. Anyone have any tips on how to find those stupid strings? 
Ok so no one commented but I'm updated anyways as a warning. If you can't find your strings GO TO URGENT CARE. Seriously. No one commented so I called the advice nurse for some advice and they sent me to urgent care where we discovered that the IUD had perforated (gone through) my uterus. I thought that would be a lot more painful so I didn't think that was what was going on. If left untreated this could have gotten really bad. I'm now in the ER awaiting a surgery to remove it. So ladies, if you can't find the strings, go to the dr! Don't be afraid! I almost didn't go and wanted to wait it out (a whole month) for a visit with my gyno because I didn't want to be embarrassed if they had found them fine and dandy.  Reeeaaaallllly glad I didn't! So trust your gut. If something feels off go get it checked out! Iud's work great when they are in right lolÂ