Devastated/mmc or misdiagnosed?

I went for my check up hoping that I'll finally get to see my baby heartbeat. I should be 9 weeks (07/23) but baby measured 7 1/2 weeks, no heart beat. Dr. Just gave me my 3 options and didn't even give me any real advice and didn't even take my blood for testing to see if my HCG levels are low or what. I'm 27 and  this is our first pregnancy <a href="">IUI</a>. No treatments. Has anyone ever experienced this what they call a missed miscarriage. And what outcome did you choose? And if you expel naturally how long did it take for you body to expel?  I really want to have my body expel it naturally but it doesn't seems as though it wants to. And I hear the pill is more painful. I'm so devastated we were so excited and had so many plans, then we got the terrible news. I'm trying to find another doctor to give me a second opinion in hopes that the dr didn't do it right or that my baby is just developing slow.  I've read some boards where their baby measured a week or 2 behind but eventually catches up. And just hoping that maybe they couldn't find a heartbeat cause I have a tilted uterus. I'm just trying to think of anything that maybe just maybe the dr is wrong since she didn't even take any of my blood! Not even when I went in at 5 weeks. Maybe my blood levels would of shown something. I'm even having a heard time finding another dr. For a second opinion. My stupid insurance only pays for in network! And all the dr they provided me with either don't take new patients on for same day appointments or they don't have appointments until 2 weeks time. Like why is this happening.  Any advice would help, I greatly would appreciate it. I'm sorry for your losses and I wish you all the best of luck and successful pregnancies.