Early gender reveal wtf.


I had a tech guess my baby's gender at 13.2 weeks, a girl which I know is a leap. I had an experienced tech (15 years) at an elective ultrasound place guess for me again at 15.3 weeks, a girl. She was very confident. After that one I've started announcing the gender to my friends, etc. But everyone is skeptical, saying I shouldn't buy anything until 20 weeks... and yeah sure, at 20 it's done forming...but if it's so possibly inaccurate why the hell are so many people finding out early and relying on the outcome to be true?? Why did I even bother with an elective gender ultrasound then if that may not even be the case?!

(Ugh... pregnancy hormones lol.. I want to know the gender and the blood test is too expensive here)