Preterm labor started today at 30 w 1 d

I woke up with period like cramps on my low abdomen, tried to go about my day but they just we're persistent! I called my doctors office but my doctors off on Mondays... A triage nurse called me back and after explaining my symptoms she expressed that I should go to l&d to get monitored. My hubby rushed home and we packed up our 4 year old and went to check it all out! I got hooked up and sure enough I was having contractions every 2-4 minutes. They administered a terb shot to help the contractions stop, but had to give me another dose 30 minutes later as they still continued. After that, I had a fetal fibronectin exam and a regular exam to check dilation. Needless to say it was draining. they got the contractions under control and felt like I was well enough to be sent home. I'm praying McCoy stays in my belly and keeps baking! If you ladies feel ANYTHING weird don't hesitate to get checked out because I had NO idea I was contracting that much and with a pretty good intensity.