Moaned way to loud...🙈

Marie • 18 | Chinese/Russian mixed | 👻
I'm recently got into a fwb relationship and I got invited over for movies a few nights ago.
It was all cute and cuddles until the kissing happened... That's when shit gets real. I'm usually able to keep my voice down but that night he was doing everything to make me scream... He was succeeding too 🙊
Afterwards when we were cuddling, it occurred to me his siblings were sleeping in the rooms next to us which made me freak the fuck out and I almost cried. He later explained that one of his sisters takes sleeping pills and the other is an extremely deep sleeper as is his little brother who has autism.
But Omg, I died of embarrassment that night. I can't face his family ever!!!
But it was a good night tho... Like damn that boy is good and he is such a sweetheart, he would wake up during the night to kiss me on the forehead and make sure the blankets covering me so I'm not cold. He's so sweet 😊
I don't know why I shared this story.... But yer...