Good Advice

Goint to go for different topics

1.He doesmt like me hugging him or he hugging him when weere together alone

2.maybe im too over exaggeratted but like i hate how he can be liking other girls pictures but mine he never does

3.well he has a password on his phone and doesnt even let me touch it at all not even to check the time but he can use mine time we had an argument because i asked nicely do you talk to girls yes i trust him but if he does he can be honest and so he says no so im like if i check your messages on facebook and your snapchats what and hes like its non of your businness is my phone my facebook my snapchat i can do whatever i want

5. And its because last year we had the same thing that i asked and he told me no so i completly trusted him so i moved on right so like we went out amd i was taking a selfie on his snapchat and i see he had been talking to girls so i told him and hes like i can talk to whoever i want amd im like well i have been ignoring guys over you cause i love you and he told me i dont care if you do talk to guys i am the way i am because we have been together 4 yrs and a half and 1 yr and a half engaged so he should be opened up with me he never tells me anythin of whats going on like at work whenever i ask him how was work

7. So it gets to me whenever im calling his name amd he nevers answers back its so anoying to have to call out his name a bunch of time

8 im writting it here to get this all out because i always try to talk to him about our sfuff and he never wants too all he says is your with that again not sure if to get myself a litle distance from him like stop telling him as often i love you stop hugging him and stuff and see how this go

10. He tells me i love you whenever i say it or he tells me randomly but what i dont get is the way he is but still wamts me to move in with him when he goes to abother town yes ive been living with him throughout summer because ill be moving back to my parents next month causse i be starting my second year of college again

# if you want to write somthin of what i typed down if its somethimg especific you can put the number down that i write