
Charley Knows • 24 and living without a thyroid 💪🏼
Hey ladies! Just wanna vent a bit about my thoughts on the whole cheating thing. Would like to say first that I have not been cheated on so this isn't a lash out cause of my own experiences! Right why is cheating a thing? If you're in a relationship and one of you decides that you aren't sexually attracted to the other or have fallen out of love break up with that person! I don't get why cheating is about because if you love each other you should be completely honest. There is no excuse you can give that can justify cheating. 'He never spends time with me' well either leave him or communicate your feelings and if it doesn't change leave him. 'We don't have exciting sex' well try to spice it up but if it's annoying/upsetting you so much leave him! I'm sorry I just don't understand at all why people cause so much devisitation by cheating when they could just break up with them. Me and my SO have been together for 3 years and we have a 10 year age gap (he's older). When we first started talking about a relationship we had a very clear understanding that I'm a young woman who gets attention and he is an older man who might be wanting something more mature. We both said that if we ever looked at anyone else and thought yes I would like that or didn't feel the same about each other we'd end it. I'm not saying it isn't difficult to end it but surely that's better than cheating? Done x