He just Wannabe a Dad


I've seen it, in my girl friends the frustration, the tears, the anger and sadness. Month after month of not getting pregnant. I would try to encourage, cry with them and be a friend during this time. I knew this wouldn't be easy once I got started TTC, I've done well so far. This last month was the hardest when AF never showed and 5 PFN made me realize something else kept AF away.

But nothing prepared me for what my husband is going through. He not a big, share-your-feelings guy, like most. So when he cracks it's hard.

When we started on this journey TTC, I thought I was forcing him. He finally confessed he was just down right scared, of everything the pregnancy, birth, being a dad!!! But he wanted this. So at first we did do everything. Just stop doing anything to prevent it then slowly tracking levels etc.

But two months ago when AF showed up, he cried in my arms. This past month he was just as up down all around when AF didn't show and BFN started showing.

Last night his BFF announced they are having a baby. I think it hurt him, expecially since they haven't tried as long as we have. My hubby, I could tell was not himself though he rejoiced with his friend, he showed his true feelings to me.

I'm sharing this with you to remember you're not alone in your TTC. Your SO is going through it too even if it doesn't show. Hug him, love him just because, cry with him if you need too.

My hubby he just wannabe a Dad. He talks to my stomach asking where the baby is. Squeeze my boobs to check if there sore. Yells at my bad food choices. Reminds me to take prenatals. And so much more. He just wannabe a daddy.