Worried about progesterone levels

I had some craziness go on very early on in my pregnancy. I had spotting start around 6 weeks which caused my midwife to check my progesterone levels. The next day we had an ultrasound and everything looked great with a hb of 122. I was diagnosed with a subchronic hemmorage and that was said to be the cause of the spotting. They didn't tell me my levels, and said it did not matter at this point because it is now a viable pregnancy. Well today, I am 11 weeks, I found a portal through their website and was able to see my test results. My level was only a 10. It has me worried because all women I have seen around this level were given supplements. I am now 11 weeks. We saw a heartbeat at 6 and a heartbeat at 9. Even with my progesterone being low, could I still be okay?