Get your act together!

angela • This is my 4th pregnancy, and we are expecting our third child June '18. We're waiting to find out the gender until baby's birth day!
This post is not intended for a large audience, but I feel compelled to share some advice to a minority of well-meaning but very stupid mommies out there. We all make mistakes, especially as first time moms, but we do have nine months to read up, ask questions, and not be totally surprised about everything that happens once we have our babies. My friend's sister in-law (whom I remember from high school) just hadher first   baby and knew absolutely nothing about breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is a personal choice, but you should not be totally shocked when your milk comes in 😂. She developed mastitis because her milk ducts became clogged. My friend had to physically massage her breasts and teach her how to work her breast pump. I remember being intimidated by my breast pump and there is nothing wrong with asking for help but REALLY???? Then she asked my friend "is breastfeeding how you lost weight so fast?" Shaking my head, I asked my friend where she registered for her shower? Pottery Barn. All the nursery furniture is Pottery Barn. It just made me sad what some mothers are more concerned about. End rant. Hope this didn't offend anyone. A beautiful nursery is great, I'm enjoying decorating for #2, but we have to remember that material things mean nothing to a newborn.