What do I do..

Brianna • 20 years old & have a rainbow son after my first miscarriage 🌈
I found out at my 11 week scan that my baby didn't have a hb . I didn't understand bc I wasn't cramping or bleeding. This is my first pregnancy. I went to another place to check again & they were right, I lost my angel baby at 8 weeks 4 days. The baby is still in me 😞 it's been exactly 3 weeks today, I would've been 11 weeks 4 days, it's killing me knowing they're still dead inside me . But what is hurting the most is as I still have my baby in me not living anymore, my brother told me to make sure I don't get pregnant again bc as he stated "Do you wanna go through this again?" . It's not even over yet for me & I'm having my heartbroken every day that it's with me . He doesn't want me to get pregnant again but I feel like that's not his right to say that to me. I just lost my angel baby. I'm not wanting a baby rn but maybe in a few weeks . It's just killing me . Here's my little baby 💔