Dizzy Dad

My Dad has recently started having terrible dizzy spells. It's happened in the past, but never like this. In the past, he's had an inner ear problem and when he starts getting dizzy he goes to the doctor and they clean out his ears really well then the problem goes away.
Now, nothing is helping. He got his ears cleaned months ago (usually it's a problem that happens every 5 years or so) and it didn't help. Also, the dizziness is MUCH worse. He can't drive when it happens, he has to lay on the floor and usually when he gets up from the floor he throws up from it. 
He's gone to the doctor a few times about this and doc has prescribed some anti-dizzy meds which seem to help in the moment, but they are certainly not fixing the problem.
We have reason to believe the dizziness is caused by chronic stress from work, but even when he exercises regularly or practices yoga, the dizziness still makes it's way back to him the moment he gets too stressed.
A little health history about Dad: his triglycerides have always been high, but they're significantly lower now because he's done an incredible job with eating well this past year. He's about 6"2' and no more than 210 lbs. His father died from heart disease and lung cancer at age 68, though he was an avid smoker and my dad hasn't smoked a day in his life. My dad is 48 years old.
Anyone have an experience with something like this? If you or anyone you know has had this, what has helped get rid of the dizziness? What natural remedies may help? Please do help, I hate seeing my dad suffer like this.