My prince has made his arrival

Went in to labor Monday morning around 3 am ... Contractions became closer around 6pm that evening... Made it to the hospital about 8pm... Was diagnosed with preeclampsia ... BP was high and protein in urine ... Was only dilated 1 1/2cm... Got epidural (best thing EVER)... Unfortunately my BP kept shooting all over the place ... Baby's heartbeat kept dipping from the contractions... Never received the Pitocin... OB attempted to hold out and see if baby would be ok but decided safer to do csection while baby was not in distress because he could not handle 30mins -1hr of active labor ... Nurse came in and confirmed doc made decision to do csection. I wasn't nervous (oddly) and didn't cry. Just wanted baby safe...Went to OR for csection around 5:57am on Tuesday (my actual induction date) and baby boy was here by 6:16am... THE GREATEST BLESSING EVER... 
Dax Jrue Miller
7lbs 4oz
19.5 inches
Born via emergent csection with epidural