In a funk

Kail • I`m 24 and a nursing student. I got married on October 8, 2015. I have PCOS.
I got off my birth control a couple of weeks ago. This week I have been dealing with some intense cravings. And I'm always tired! When I get home from school I want eat everything in the house and then nap for hours. It doesn't help that my husband works the night shift and is sleeping when I get in. It's hard to not crawl in beside him and sleep the afternoon away. 
I know I need to get out of this funk I'm in 😫 So I'm looking for some tips on how to do that. I know everyone has those days when they feel off, but this has been going on for a week and a half now. 
Is it just my body trying to get back to normal or what? 
Also I'm looking for quick, simple workouts. Anything on YouTube, apps, DVDs, etc. that I should look into?