Anatomy Scan scared me... need some advice!

Hi ladies,

Needing to calm my nerves after my U/S and check-up with the doctor today.

First, I want to start off by saying I am a first time mommy, so I tend to over-analyze EVERYTHING. My husband is no better! We just want reassurance from the doctor that all is well, and we are doing what we are supposed to do to make sure baby is healthy.

Today we went in, and thankfully everything looked good, and baby is doing fine!

But... the U/S tech. had a hard time finding the baby's lips. Part of this was due to baby not cooperating, but she went back over the mouth a million times and couldn't get what she wanted. She wants me to have another U/S when I go back in 4 weeks. She said it could also be because baby's lips are still too small to get a clear image.

Of course, out of all the good news today, what am I focusing on?? The negative... 😟😟 I just can't help but think something is wrong. My anatomy scan was performed a week early (I'm 19 weeks, 1 day today), so maybe she could be right about it being too small to see yet...??? I just wish I knew if she was telling me that to keep me calm, or not. 😞

I know there's no way to get a clear answer other than waiting the 4 weeks until my next U/S, but I was curious if anyone else was told this around 19/20 weeks??? What was the end result? Any advice or stories would be nice right now.

Please don't take this post thr wrong way; nothing will change how incredibly in love we are with our little ninja (he or she is sooo active 😃). No matter what the result is, we are so blessed to have this little joy in our lives. Thanks! 💗