Possible UTI! IDK.....Help!

So lilke 2 hours ago I started to feel a slight discomfort while I tinkled (pee). So I figure it could be an infection but now I notice that blood is coming out too. I'm worried. Have any of you lady's experienced similar situation? I am not sure if it's blood because it is very light pink! What else can it be?
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Sounds like a UTI. Go to the doctor


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If you have eaten anything red or purple in the last 24hrs (especially if it's artificially colored or if it's beetroot) it makes your urine pink/tinged with red. If not, try to get to a clinic asap as you need to get on top of a Uti right away...especially if the discomfort is increasing, yiu are experiencing pain and/or you have a fever. To tide you over until you are seen by a doc:Drink plenty of water and try to get hold of a urinary alkalizer (like Ural in Australia) or Cystex (which also has an antibacterial agent and anti inflammatory) if you're in the States. Go to the pharmacy and ask what they have to help you out if you live somewhere else. If you have fever, back pain, blood clots etc don't mess around and go strait to a clinic. Good luck- I hope this helps! I have had solo many uti's and kidney infections and they are not pleasant! 


Kaitlin • Jul 31, 2016
Ugh I hate spelling errors! *straight