Chemical pregnancy

Hi all. Last month on the 25th I got my BFP however the line kept getting lighter and started bleeding 3 days after my period was due and the bleeding only lasted two days, it was actually lighter then my period and not as much blood as there were clots. The pregnancy was confirmed by my doctor as well as the miscarriage. Since the 8th my SO and I have been BD everyday lol I keep reading you are most fertile after a miscarriage. I totally have some of the symptoms of pregnancy again but it's hard to tell anymore because they're so similar with AF symptoms sometimes. Is it possible I could have conceived I mean I only get acne when I'm pregnant and my chin blew up last week with the constellation of pimples. I'm cranky, my smell sensations are out of control its bad, and I'm bloated and gassy, and constipated. It says period is due on the 4th. I'm so anxious I hate the two week wait and I've been obsessing over having another baby for a year.