LH surge and DH is leaving!!

My LH surge FINALLY happened (CD32) and my husband leaves on a trip in 4 hours! 😭😭😭😭 he'll be gone 3 days. Just long enough  to miss ovulation completely. I'm so sad! There's nothing he could have done to reschedule this flight or he would have. We'll BD today and hope against hope that his little swimmers are strong enough to hang on til the big O. TTC for 3 months so it's not the end of the world if this month doesn't work out but after testing and waiting 31 days for my mythical O, it's a bummer this scheduling crap happened. Anyone had an experience where BDing just once on the day of LH surge ended with a pregnancy? I'd love to hear it!!! It would be so lucky lovely to read others happy news in this circumstance!!!