Discouraged and scared

What do you do when you feel like all hope is lost? I just can't get it out of my head that something is seriously wrong with me.. but I've seen 6 different doctors and they can't find anything. I used to have periods, then over a year ago, they just stopped. I'll get once every 4-7 months. Sometimes I'll get one after two months. Something in my conscience Will not let it go that something is very wrong. But I've had blood tests, an MRI and CT, ultrasoundand they can't find any reason for this. I've lost all hope for having a baby and I'm just lost at this point. I really want to stay positive but I just can't anymore. I don't want anyone to be disappointed in me.. am I even a woman if I can't bear children for my husband, grandchildren for our parents... I'm just lost. If you know of anything that can help me, please tell me. I'll do anything to fix this.