Ttc and holiday

Can I get an opinion from some of you ladies please
Ok so me and So started trying for a baby in June, nothing came of trying that month so no problems there but in July So said he didn't want to try until after the holiday. ( I was also sick this month)
Am I right to be pissed at him for saying yes to start trying for a baby and then stopping? We are not going on holiday until the end of October, but he seems to think that if when we are away and that I was to be pregnant that if I was sick of ate foreign foods or got bit by a bug that it would ruin his holiday? 
Am I over reacting to this I have waited 3 years for him to agree to us start to ttc I'm really upset and really let down 
Edit: sex isn't uncomfortable between us at all, it's not the wait that's annoyed me its that he said we could start trying and then just stopped like that.