PCOS almost cost me my life...


I am not usually one to air my personal issues that I know I'm not alone in... but I just got out of being in the hospital for four days for a life threatening complication that PCOS is most likely responsible.

I was diagnosed very young with PCOS and knew of the many different types of things that could go awry... but rarely fatal or near fatal. I have lived with this knowledge for over a decade... the physical pain... the frustration of my body changing... I got used to it. Never did I think one day I would wake up in pain worse than child birth.

Wednesday 7/27/16 afyer 1pm is still a blur... and waking up in the post surgical recovery room later that night surreal. They initially thought it was my appendix or a complication with a recent miscarriage.

What started out as a laproscopic procedure turned into an emergency c-section of a nacrotic ovary and fallopian tube. It was the size of a grapefruit... black and dead; suffocated by a twisted cyst that encapsulated it. It was going to kill me if the pain I endured had not prompted my mother in law to call 911.

My incident is rare... but my warning to my sisters here... never become complacent... don't dismiss that one thing that is off that you automatically accept as a new normal.

I still have one functioning ovary and tube left... still possible to have children... perhaps. But as of right now those plans are on hold during my time to heal.

(The white ovary is the healthy one, what they took out on the bottom row is unrecognizable. )