Sorry for the long post but a little ify on this one. Help?

Back in March I took 3 PTs and they all said positive, but they also all said 1 to 2 weeks, even after weeks of waiting. My last one was on March 30th. I told my boyfriend that they all said positive and the weeks. He talked me into going to the HD to get confirmation and insurance just in case I needed it if something was wrong. (I didn't want to bc I was really nervous). So I went on April 8th to the HD. We were waiting for the test to come up and when it did the nurse had a little off look and said the test was a really faint positive and said it could be just bc I'm really early. I told her what my HPTs all said and when I took them. She just looked at me and the tests weird and I said, "I know, weird right?" So that was that and I got insurance and wic set up. Went home and set up my first appointment, scheduled for April 19th. Well Monday night (the 11th) at work (I work night 12 hr shifts as a residential tech for a mental facility) I started spotting. I myself freaked out for a minute, was texting Christian (my bf) and asking him if something is wrong. Then I got to thinking, hey some women spot during early pregnancy, it might be normal so I went on with my work. When I got off Tuesday morning at 7 am I went home to go to sleep wearing a pantyliner, slept a couple hours, woke up to go per and there were a few little spots of pink, peed and wiped, a little more pink. Text Christian, told him. Called my doctors, told them and they said if I started bleeding more or having blood clots or cramping to call back and they'd get me in sooner. So I then went back to sleep, woke up a few more hours later, peed and there were little blood clots, and I was cramping.. It was after 5 so I couldn't call. So I prayed it would stop and got ready to go to Christians house. From 5 until about 8 the cramps didn't get any better and neither did the blood clots, the only time I felt relief was when I sat on the toilet, so Christian asked me where I wanted him to take me, I said closest ER. The did labs and urinalysis on me. & the doctor said my hCG levels were really low and he thinks I had a miscarriage but to keep my appointment for Tuesday the 19th. I cried the whole way home. It was very disappointing bc we both were excited about this pregnancy. So we went to the appointment that next Tuesday and she checked me out and said my uterus, ovaries and everything looked beautiful that there was nothing wrong and that I just had a chemical pregnancy. We were still disappointed but it'd be okay. Soooo now for what's going on now... I was suppose to start my period on July 23rd. The week before (July 11th - 15th) I spotted a couple days and then it just quit. I've had white discharge a couple days and still no period. At the appointment back in April my Gyno told me to wait 2 missed periods before I take a pregnancy test. But I've been having minor heartburn and nausea for some reason lately. So my question is, have any of you ladies had this happen to y'all and what was the outcome? & when do you think I should take a test?