Symptom Spotters....

I'm 5-6 dpo. It could be all in my head but I wanted to name off some symptoms I've noticed and was wondering if anyone was having the same thing!

1) cramping on my lower right side where my ovaries are and cramping in my mid-abdominal area.

2) lots of vaginal secretion without being "excited".

3) my lower back has been aching.

4) food aversions - I've been CRAVING mashed potatoes with sour cream and pickles.

5) sore nipples. Not so bad that I can't wear a bra, but sensitive to touch.

6) I'm pretty sure I'm starting go get a head cold.

7) I can never get comfortable enough to go go sleep.

8) irritability and moodiness - my boyfriend and I have been getting in fights over the littlest things. I just snap on him for stupid things. Like he'll turn on the A/C in the car, and I'll yell at him because I'm freezing and say "he never thinks about me".

Do any of you have things like this? Because I feel weird and not right about myself!