My FTM birth story

Contractions had been on and off for 3 days prior to the birth date. The day before I had contractions irregularly but I was determined to "help him along." So I took 2 baths (did a little bit of nipple stimulation of both nipples for about 5 min a piece while
 in second bath) and used an exercise ball for about 30 min (bouncing up and down lightly). Went to bed with little to no contractions. Went to sleep around 2am to wake up at 345am with a very intense jolt of a contractions. I had 10 intense contractions within 30 minutes so I decided to wake the hubby. I sat on the exercise ball for an hour and a half bouncing super lightly and lightly swaying back and forth. Left the house around 6am to head to the hospital. Got to the hospital, contractions were still intense but getting more intense and 3-4 minutes apart. I was 20% effaced at my appointment on Monday, finger tip dialated and 30% on Wednesday from a trip to L&D. I was 2cm dialated and 50% effaced when we went to the hospital Sunday morning. I didn't make progress in an hour, they monitored me another hour, still no progress so they sent me home. I was in so much pain and it only got worse. I lasted another 2 hrs before we headed back- this was a very horrible 2 hrs. They didn't even strap me up for monitors and just went straight to the cervix check. I was 4cm and completely thinned. They sent me straight to L&D and started the process of IV, antibiotics for the Group Strep B, and fluids. They also gave me pain meds in the IV which took the edge off of the pain between contractions. It took 4 tries to get the IV in, that wasn't fun during painful contractions. I got blood taken and was given my epidural an hour later. Hallelujah to the man who created this amazing drug! After 12 hours of intense labor and contractions, I FINALLY got my relief! It was 4-5pm around this time. I progressed to a 6cm within 2 hours of being there. I didn't progress any further without being given oxytocin. We had a small scare where one of my contractions lasted many minutes and stressed the baby. His heart rate went up to 210 and dropped drastically to 70-80s for a minute. About 5-6 nurses and doctors came into the room, re-positioned me, put me on oxygen and monitored his heart rate in the room for a few minutes. I was told if it was to happen again we would be headed to the back (for a c-section) where "things will happen very quickly." By 935pm I was "complete" they said, with no other complications. Within 22 minutes my son was born with 6-7 pushes only. The NICU team cleaned his nose and mouth out due to him pooping in the amniotic fluid before birth. Daddy cut his umbilical cord. It took longer to birth the placenta then it did my son. That hurt, but was worth it when I got to hold my baby. Bryce Emmett was born on July 31, 2016 at 957pm. He was 7lbs 13.2oz and 19 inches long. My life will never be the same and I can not believe the love I had never known and am so blessed with.