Age difference

Okayy . So i am 15 about to be 16 on September 15 . &&a five months ago I met a guy online that I thought was cute . I inboxed him and it just went from there he is a very sweet guy . He even waited 2 months before we started dating for us to get together because I was in a relationship . But even then we kept talking . After me and my first relationship was over me and him started liking each other and eventually we started going out . He doesn't leave that far away about like 30 mins or Soo . The problem I am having is telling my parents about me dating someone that is way older then me . My boyfriend will be turning 20 in 2 days . He wants to actually come and meet my parents but honestly I'm scared because I don't know how they are going to take it being that we are 4 years apart . &&I Yess we have been sexually active . He knows the risk he is taking and honestly he doesn't care because he says he loves me and would do anything too be with me &&I I feel I would do exactly the same but telling my parents is just something I'm not ready for . Any suggestions .?