
Ive been noticing a weird change in my appetite. Im not pregnant, 100% sure. But its strange. I guess I forget to eat? So sometimes I don't eat breakfast ( I know most important meal of the day) but for the most part I try too. Its just I wake up late or I don't have time. Sometimes I feel like I can't eat until later, like around 9 or 10ish even though Ill wake up around 7 or 8. But normally Ill be at work or school so Ill have to eat a snack and wait till lunch. Usually for lunch Ill eat a lot. Im really small but I eat a lot for the most part. But then around dinner time, sometimes Ill eat or Ill forget to eat?? It could be stress, but it just won't come to mind. Ill be ao tired, so Ill just fall asleep or it'll get really late and then I realize "Oh all I've had was lunch today" but then I won't really be that hungry. I wanted to get some adive from you guys. How can I change my diet or is there maybe something that is causing this??