Us against the genes

Jennifer • Baby girl 👧 9/28/18 : Baby boy 👦 4/2/21
So my husband and I got married April 9th 2016 I had always thought that I would have problems trying to conceive as I had ovarian cysts since I was 14. My mom had endometriosis in her early forties and had her stuff taken out I was still pretty young but I was really worried about what would happen in my life because of it. when I was young I was really fit but then in my teenage years I went through a lot of emotional challenges being misdiagnosed bipolar being on the wrong meds for a long time when I was 20 I was red-iagnosed borderline personality during that time I had just broken up with the boyfriend of two and a half years that I thought I was going to marry and after that I started drinking a lot when I went to college I soon realized how deep the alcoholism ran in my family and I'm still struggling with it today the past month or so I've done a lot better and I'm really proud of myself but I recently found out when my husband showed me (he doesn't like his balls being touched which I used to love but learned he's too ticklish there) a piece of tissue or tubing like feeling in one of his balls. Now for the background his entire family on his mom side has struggled with cancer for a very long time his dad side has had a couple issues with cancer but nothing really bad usually just skin cancer now me coming from an alcoholic/heart issue family this is really hard to understand and deal with. Our issues are a lot different but we still have them. My husband goes in for his ultrasound and everything on Wednesday getting his blood work done by me tomorrow as I'm a phlebotomist so hopefully all goes well with that. As far as my drinking I'm really trying and I really feel like I've done very well the past month only drinking on the weekend instead of every day like I used. This is only the beginning. Wish us luck!!! BTW the only thing I think might help is is that both sides of our family are filled with twins. So hopefully if we have troubles that might help us whether we have 2 or 1 it's a greater chance right? :)