Big letdown during ovulation

Brittany • Baby Boy 1 ❤️ 9.19.2017 Baby Boy 2❤️ 8.29.2019
I just turned 30, and my husband and I have been ttc since May. 
I Ovulate tomorrow, and am in tears. Every month during ovulation my husband is not fully on board with baby dancing. We'll get 2 or 3 times in maybe 2 days before I ovulate, but the day before and day of he's suddenly too tired or uninterested.
I am very emotional about this- I want a baby so, so bad. I support my husband in all that he does, and am starting to feel very alone in this. We have had a very happy and healthy marriage up until this point and I really don't want this to cause a rift between us.
Any thoughts, suggestions, or feedback?