Slightly freaking out

Long story short my hubby and I had sex about 4 times last month when I was ovulating. I'm generally extra careful not to have intercourse during that time but idk, I just couldn't resist him last month. The reason why I'm freaking out is because lately I've been exhausted ( which is how I felt with my first pregnancy) and my period hasn't really arrived yet. I've just been spotting for the past two days. 
I probably made it worse by going online and seeing that one of the early signs is extra saliva in your mouth which is also what I happen to be experiencing, and last but not least the naseoua kicked in tonight. 
It would be bittersweet if I got pregnant because yes I'd love another baby but I just returned to school this year and I have actually been enjoying it. I finally found a balance between being a mom, wife, and student. I'm scared if I'm pregnant again I won't be able to handle two babies. 
I know what your probably thinking. "If you didn't want to get pregnant why didn't you use condoms or get on the pill?" Hubby HATES condoms and because of a financial situation that happened last month, I had to cancel my DR's appt to get back on the pill.