Baby girl came yesterday

So here's my birth story, I was watching a movie and around 3 am I felt my water break, I wasn't exactly sure that's what happened so I kinda ignored it and went to sleep even though I knew deep down what it was, anyways I went to sleep and woke up right before 5 am with the worse contractions I've ever felt, I woke up my husband and we started getting ready to leave the house, we got to the hospital right before 7 am and they put me in a room and checked me, I was at 4 1/2 cm dilated so the started my Iv and gave me some pain meds till I could get my epidural. They finally came in to do my epidural and everything was great till I realized that I was only numb on my right side, so I was literally only feeling my contractions on my left side which was scary and so uncomfortable, so they finally decided to redo the epidural and it finally worked, so I was just taking it easy just waiting to get fully dilated which didn't take very long, I was so happy cause I was really numb and ready to push within like 4 hours of getting to the hospital, so I started to push and pushed for 2 hours and the doctor gave me the option to keep pushing or use the vacuum and possibly do a c section. I decided to keep pushing, I pushed for another 2 hours and was in so much pain because my epidural had worn completely off and I felt everything, it was horrible, not going to lie I was crying and was just completely worn out and exhausted. So after 4 hours of pushing the doctor finally decided to use the vacuum and she came right out, they laided her right on me and I swear it was love at first sight!!!!! I did rip from my front to bottom and had to have 8 stitches which really sucked, I've literally never been more happy to have something over in my life, I definitely don't think I'll have anymore babies and if I do I'll adopt, (it's something my husband and I have always wanted to do anyways) 
 So long story short I was in labor for 14 hours and 4 of those hours I spent pushing, not fun but I got this beautiful little girl out of it and she was so worth every bit of it!!!!!