I think I broke my vagina

I stepped out of the shower last night and slipped on the tile floor. I felt my groin pull and now I'm in agonizing pain. As if the pelvis pressure and hemorrhoids weren't enough, now I feel like I just pulled every last muscle to save my 36+5 ass from hitting the floor. 
I'm so ready to have this baby and get past ALL the below the belt pains. 
Dr checked me yesterday, I'm only 1cm 😩 at least it's something, but dang I'm so over it. 
Just to clarify, I stay at my moms when I go see my dr because I recently moved and she's closer to my dr office. Like an hour closer. Anyway, she just pulled up her rugs to wash and when I came out and told her she felt AWFUL! Thankfully, I didn't actually fall. It could've been worse for sure.