I need some good advice I made a mistake and I'm too young to comprehend!😓

Hey ladies please help me-I'm only 16 and in great need of some answers!
My anxiety and worry is extremely strong, I let everything control my mind and just completely intoxicate me. So please, help!
The day before my actual ovulation day, my boyfriend and I saw each other. We are both virgins and are definitely NOT ready for sex!! But we do sometimes screw around which it seems like everytime I do I regret it😒 Anyway, I know for a fact none of his semen came near my vagina and our genitals didn't touch either, we were very cautious because we both knew I was fertile-we are quite responsible actually! The one thing I'm freaking out about is pre-ejaculatory fluid. If he happened to get some on his fingers while masturbating and then fingered me, is there a chance I could be pregnant? Is this worth freaking out about? Glow said I had a 33% chance that day to become pregnant and then the next day was my ovulation day.Â