nervous excited anxious

With finding out about a new baby I know lots of feelings are had. I lost 3 in the last year October 2015 I lost a single baby and December 27 2015 I lost twins now I didn't give myself any healing time between the first miscarriage and the second pregnancy I feel had everything to do with it. Plus I wasn't healthy at all I was eating horribly and the meds I was on were toxic for any growing baby. I had a DNC to removed the twins due to their little hearts just stopping (God rest their innocent souls) it has been 6months of healing with a new relationship (where I'm very happy and no long dealing with mental verbal and physical abuse something I will never allow again and something this amazing man I love would never do I'm so lucky he's mine) and now a baby!!!!!!!! I am a mother to an 8yr old and we are all so excited but my fears of the past are leaving me crippled in anxiety and doubt. I was so excited the last two times and then they were gone and it's scaring me I won't lie I was hoping to maybe find another mommy or group of mommies who have had these same or similar experiences and can maybe help to ease my heavy heart. Thank you all so much in advance anything is welcome but please be gentle I am something awful sensitive today lol