prayers please ❤️

yesterday I spent 12 hours at the hospital the first 6 they checked the baby & made sure the baby was ok. the baby was great they seen a heart beat and sent me home although I was in a lot of pain they just wrote me a prescription for the cramping. I got home & went to use the restroom & felt me bleeding over the toilet & I had 2 blood clots, I went back to the hospital & they said there wasn't a heart beat anymore and that I'm having a miscarriage. I prayed hoping for a miracle that when I went to the doctors today that the doctors at the hospital were wrong! I went in today and my OB told me that the baby is still alive and has a heart beat BUT the heart beat is weaker from last weeks, the baby isn't growing how it should.. that it looks like I'm gonna miscarry. (currently on bed rest) I have an appointment Wednesday it can go 3 ways. if I don't miscarry by then & the baby still has a heart beat then there isn't much he can do as long as the baby has a heart beat, if I do miscarry then I miscarry OR if I go in and the baby doesn't have a heart beat anymore I will have to get surgery to get the baby out of my womb.. this is very hard on us & I would really appreciate prayers. I'm trying to stay positive & believe! 💖