I have become my own nightmare

I can't do this any more every month I get myself so worked up and it turns out to be in my head every month I convince myself this is the month I am pregnant not going to be but I am I stop myself from having a drink cos I don't want it to hurt the baby. My boobs hurt like hell and feel really heavy a week before mother nature I say to myself well it's too early to be my period I must be pregnant?? Constantly checking my knickers to make sure I am not bleeding even though I haven't even had a positive test . This morning I woke feeling sick tired and emotional by 10.30 I went to the loo to find Mother Nature has again shown its ugly face yet again how does everyone do it every month and not drive yourself crazy like I have? A year of trying one six week period of being happy because I was finally pregnant for it to end in miscarriage I can't put myself through this emotional rollercoaster any more 😢