Looking for your opinion ladies (Trigger warning: Bridezilla 👸💅)

Ok ladies, 
I have a male best friend, like many girls do these days. Nothing sexual, never was and never will be (we're definitely not each other's type!). He is an amazing person, very successful and driven in his art career, lots of interests and hobbies and has a bajillion times more friends than I will ever have. People just love him!
He's been dating the same girl since they were 18 (10 years now). She is AWFUL. She has no interests, no hobbies (except going to Disney land and getting wasted) she's always relied on him financially, and she withholds sex from him as a way to manipulate his feelings. She's been told by a doctor to stop eating so much junk food and exercise, because her health is declining rapidly but she refuses. She is physically abusive. I've seen her smack his glasses off his face so hard in front of a large group of friends because she "wanted him to shut up for a second." She has hardly any friends. She's also painfully dumb, but does nothing to change this. She hates me, and treats me like crap even though I've been with my boyfriend since before I met them.
They are getting married in 5 weeks. His rationale for getting married was "We've been together so long either we break up or try to make this work." I was put in her bridal party and she's had THREE bridal showers. I had booked a vacation a year in advance of the weekend she picked three months in advance to have her bachelorette party, and when I brought it up she wanted to kick me out for not being "supportive" (I would have been out hundreds of dollars in airfare! I let her know the date wouldn't work as soon as she'd told me). She continually complains to my friend that I'm not helping her with preparations even though I've offered to help at least 10 times! 
My boyfriend and many others are BEGGING me to say something to stop this marriage, since I am one of his close friends. I've had more than 20 people tell me I need to say something, but I honestly don't feel like I should! IMO it's my friend's choice, and he's and adult-and I would look like the villainous female friend that's trying to destroy true love. But her physical and verbal abuse towards my friend bothers me! I know if she were the man in the relationship the situation would be treated very different by everyone. 
What do you think? Am I justified in letting things take their course? 
***I do respect trigger warnings and think they are helpful, it was meant as humour!