Trying to wean baby off formula....I hate it 😟

Amber 🐾🍸🍁 • Aidyn's Mommy
I hate trying to breastfeed. I hate it. Since he was born my LO will secure a latch, suckle twice, then either fall asleep or spit it out. We were supposed to be supplementing with formula until my milk supply came in but since he was so fussy about it we spoiled him with the bottle. I desperately want him to breastfeed for the nutrients and the bonding but he fights it so much. We saw our lactation consultant today and she said absolutely nothing it wrong with him, he's just lazy (he totally is.) She said not to give up or throw in the towel. Well he was fussy all day long today because he was hungry and wouldn't suck, and he also had a rash on his bum that was probably hurting so that made him angrier. He cried for four hours before he finally drained my breasts and that still didn't fill him until he drank an ounce of formula. I was so frustrated I was in tears. It seems so pointless and his latch hurts. It's only been a day and just imagining doing this again when he wakes up makes me want to cry. 😟